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Golden LEAF Essential Skills (GLF) – Student Survey

The Golden LEAF Essential Skills Student Survey is a survey tool that collects community college student reflections on their experience in a manufacturing program. The survey asks students to rate how important certain skills are for student success in the workplace, and how well the manufacturing program prepared them to use those skills in their career. The survey also asks the students some basic questions about their education and career plans. The survey has been adapted from The Instructor Satisfaction Survey developed by the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT).

Instructions for Use

If you decide that you have a question that might be addressed with data collected through a survey that examines, among other things, community college students’ beliefs about the level to which workplace and technical skills are important to their success and whether the community college courses/programs are effectively preparing them to use these skills in their career, consider using the Golden Leaf Essential Skills (GLF) Student survey. This survey was designed to evaluate the effectiveness of the GLF Essential Skills grant, which is intended to enhance manufacturing programs at select North Carolina Community Colleges and to help community college staff support local workforce development initiatives. The survey has been adapted from the Student Satisfaction Survey developed by the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT).

Planning for Instrument Use

  • Convene whatever team is responsible for evaluation and/or workforce development planning in your school.
  • Review the Golden LEAF Essential Skills Student Survey and supporting documentation.
  • Clarify and come to consensus on the workforce development questions about which your school cares.
  • Determine if the Golden LEAF Essential Skills Student Survey data will be useful in answering those questions.
  • Assign a survey manager to initialize the survey.

Initializing the online Golden LEAF Essential Skills Student Survey

  • Determine the date on which you want your online Golden LEAF Essential Skills Student Survey to open, and the date on which you want it to close.
  • Contact the Friday Institute evaluation team’s Golden LEAF Essential Skills Student Survey manager ( and provide the above information. Allow 3-5 working days for your Golden LEAF Essential Skills Student Survey to be initialized.
  • Your survey manager will receive a return email with the URL to your individualized Golden LEAF Essential Skills Student Survey.

Managing Golden LEAF Essential Skills Student Responses

  • Have someone with the appropriate technology skills available to support your school staff as they complete the online Golden LEAF Essential Skills Student Survey. The instrument does not require substantial technical skill but it is necessary that respondents know how to open a web browser window, and complete and submit online forms.

Using your Golden LEAF Essential Skills Student Data

  • Convene the evaluation or workforce development planning team.
  • Share the Golden LEAF Essential Skills Student Survey report among planning team members, either by electronic means (with a data projector, for example), or by distribution of hard copies of the report page.

Related Resources

Survey Instrument – Golden LEAF Essential Skills (GLF) – Employer Survey

The Golden LEAF Essential Skills Employer Survey is a survey tool that collects employers’ reflections on the skills they need in their workers. The survey asks employers to rate how important certain skills are to their organization, and the degree to which area graduates possess these skills. The survey also asks the students some basic questions about their industry, workforce, and hiring from area community colleges and elsewhere. The survey has been adapted from The Instructor Satisfaction Survey developed by the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT).

Survey Instrument – Golden LEAF Essential Skills (GLF) – Instructor Survey

The Golden LEAF Essential Skills Instructor Skills Survey is a survey tool that collects community college instructor reflections on a variety of skills for students in manufacturing programs. The survey asks instructors to rate how important the skills are for student success, and how prepared the instructor feels he/she is to instruct the students on those skills. The survey has been adapted from The Instructor Satisfaction Survey developed by the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT).


Program Evaluation and Education Research (PEER) Group Program Evaluation and Education Research (PEER) Group


June 7, 2014

Resource Type

Survey Instrument

Published By

Friday Institute for Educational Innovation