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Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators Conference

The Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE) Conference was held February 7 – 9, 2019 in Orlando, Florida. The HIRiSE team led a pre-conference workshop for the ESTEEM project, led several sessions, and enjoyed their time attending other sessions as well as catching up with AMTE members from around the country.

The day prior to the start of the conference, members of the HIRiSE team along with the co-PIs of the ESTEEM project held an all day workshop for new and returning field testers of the ESTEEM project. These field testers were chosen from institutions from all around the country who applied to be among the first to implement the ESTEEM modules into their courses. The purpose of the workshop was to familiarize people with the mission of ESTEEM, the materials that are included in the modules, as well as how to implement the modules. The workshop included lively engagement among all participants. We’re looking forward to seeing how these field testers will implement the materials.

Stephanie Casey leading a discussion during the ESTEEM workshop.

Heather Barker showing field testers how to use materials.

During the conference, members of the HIRiSE team presented at sessions specific to furthering research about statistics education. The following sessions were presented by members of the team:

  • Mojica, G., Lee, H., Mutlu, A., Barker, H., & Azmy, C. (February 2019). Designing and Implementing Micro-credentials to Support Teachers’ Learning. Session at the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators Conference, Orlando, FL.
  • Mutlu, A., Lee, H., & Mojica, G. (February 2019). A Framework for Analyzing and Redesigning Statistics Tasks to Promote Inferential Reasoning. Session at the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators Conference, Orlando, FL.
  • Casey, S., Hudson, R., Lee, H., Mojica, G., Azmy, C., Barker, H., & Harrison, T. (February 2019). Teaching Teachers to Lead Statistical Investigations with Technology. Session at the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators Conference, Orlando, FL.
Front row: Christina Azmy, Stephanie Casey, Heather Barker, Gemma Mojica
Back Row: Rick Hudson, Hollylynne Lee, Taylor Harrsison

Asli Mutlu presenting during her session.

The AMTE conference is a great time to learn about research that is happening in mathematics education as well as reconnect with other mathematics teacher educators from around the country. Our team is already looking forward to our next conference where we can share what we are doing as well as further our own knowledge.