Make Each Day Count
It’s 2023!! Not only has another page in the calendar turned, but we are also now in need of a brand-new calendar. However cliché it may sound, it’s time for “out with the old and in with the new.”
Remember The Power of the Pause shared by my colleague, Dr. Melissa Rasberry, back in early October 2022? In her post, Dr. Rasberry reminded us that “it’s okay to slow down from time to time to reflect, reset or recharge.” Far too often, when the new year begins, we quickly start a countdown to how many days are remaining in the school year. We calculate how many more days of bus duty or lunch duty, days that are left before testing, before school events, before sports seasons change, etc. We calculate in numbers instead of opportunities!
“Don’t count the days. Make the days count.”
–Muhammad Ali
Let’s start 2023 by thinking about how we can make each day count, instead of counting down the days. This alone is something that I consider a tremendous takeaway from the experiences of the recent pandemic. How can I as an individual and an educator make each day more positive and meaningful?
A few things for you to consider as you open your 2023 calendar and charge ahead with the remainder of the school year:
- Take a moment to pause and look back. Now is the time to look back at all that has been accomplished since the start of the school year. Make a list so you can see where you have been spending a majority of your time. Has it been with your students, professional development or just keeping up? This is a huge factor to weigh when thinking about future opportunities in the coming months. What can you change to ensure that you are making each new day count, instead of simply marking it off the calendar?
- Inventory critical needs. In what areas do you still need growth? Where might you need assistance and who can you go to for support? It might be helpful to not only make a list but also prioritize what you intend to master by the end of the school year. Consider creating an action plan to help guide you.
- Find an accountability buddy. You have taken some time to reflect. You have developed an inventory of needs and perhaps you have taken a step further and created an action plan. Now what? How will you hold yourself accountable to turn actions into reality? Find an accountability buddy. Utilize colleagues, members of your PLC or administrators. Share your plan with them and ask for support and feedback to help your continual growth.
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