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NCDLCN Fall 2020 Update

It’s been a while… We hope you’re doing well despite all of the ongoing challenges we’re all facing. For those of you who we’ve worked with before – we’re really looking forward to catching up. For everyone else, we’d like to take a moment to introduce ourselves as the new program leads for NCDLCN: Mark Samberg (Friday Institute, Director of Technology Programs), Donna Murray (Digital Teaching and Learning Consultant, NCDPI), and Jill Darrough (Lead Digital Teaching and Learning Consultant, NCDPI). We’ve been involved with different NCDLCN cohorts over the past few years and we’re looking forward to catching up with everyone! Nancy and Theresa have moved on to new adventures and we are excited to see the awesome work they continue to do!

We have a few exciting announcements to share about some upcoming programming and resources for you.


We’ve been trying to think about ways to get together and catch up. Big face-to-face meetings are off the table, and many of us are webinar’d-out. We thought about different ways to bring the Edcamp model to Zoom, but didn’t want yet another full-day event. So in the spring we’re going to start NCDLCN@Lunch – a weekly meetup for 30-40 minutes around a specific topic. Attend if you’re able, but all of them will be recorded. Complete the survey at the bottom of this page to indicate your interest in attending, which day of the week works best for you, and any topics you may be interested in.


We also wanted to create a way for us to all keep in touch and leverage this network of over 800(!) committed coaches. A group text of over 800(!) probably would get annoying pretty quickly. Enter: Slack. Slack is a workgroup tool that allows topical conversations between small groups. You can install it on your computer or on your phone and have real-time conversations with your NCDLCN friends. The service is private to NCDLCN members and private group messages are not recorded. You can create and join channels (groups) that are public or private and on the topics of your choosing. Watch a brief overview video of how Slack works. Complete the survey at the bottom of this page for a link to sign up!


If you haven’t used #GoOpenNC yet, you’re missing out on a great resource! #GoOpenNC allows educators to find and share open educational resources (OER). The system is pre-populated with thousands of resources and teachers can create, share, and remix their own open education resources.

Within GoOpenNC, you’ll find various ways to search for resources and connect and collaborate with other NC educators. A “hub” serves like the wing of a library, and we have created an NCDLCN hub where any NC educator can visit to find resources we create/curate.

A “group” in GoOpenNC is like a table in the library. Any user can create a group as a space to share, curate, and even create resources collaboratively. There is also space within a group for discussions. Any user can create a group and set it to be open to any other NC educator or make it private for selected users only.

In addition to our NCDLCN hub, we have an NCDLCN group that will be private just for our alumni group. Please visit the group and request access to join.

Check out the GoOpenNC Toolkit for more information about OER and the GoOpenNC platform.

[major-link url=”” target=”_blank”]NCDLCN Hub on #GoOpenNC[/major-link][major-link url=”″ target=”_blank”]NCDLCN Group[/major-link]

Twitter and Facebook

Of course, we will have our Twitter hashtag (NCDLCN) and our Facebook group and we hope to see you there!

We’re excited to see all of you in the weeks and months ahead! If there are other supports and programming you’re interested in, please reach out!

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