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NLC Blog

Nov 12, 2016

The Great Raleigh Trolley Adventure by Yanbo An

History is not only a valuable part of knowledge, but opens the door to many other parts, and affords materials to most of the sciences. — David Hume If you… 

Nov 12, 2016

Sound of Music on American Campus by Tingting Yuan

Singing is part of my life and it defines who I am. However, hardly can I imagine that my singing would be heard on American campuses until it just happened… 

Oct 18, 2016

Experiencing AB Combs Elementary School: Lessons Learned from My Internship by Ting Guo

I have been grateful to have a short-term internship experience at AB Combs Elementary, one of the best magnet schools in America. Harmonious campus atmosphere and professional teachers have given… 

Oct 11, 2016

Visiting Millbrook High School: A Once-In-A-Blue-Moon Opportunity by Xiaojing Hou

Since September 16th, my BRS colleague and I have started to visit Millbrook High School. This is a once-in-a-blue-moon opportunity for us to experience an American public high school and… 

Oct 11, 2016

Say No to Culture Shocks & Hi to Culture Surprises by Hui Wang

Once setting foot on a foreign country, it’s common to encounter culture shock, an experience that is neither exciting nor avoidable! A month ago, I was fully prepared to face… 

Sep 30, 2016

My First Day at A.B. Combs Elementary by Yanbo An

A Glimpse of the American Public School Landscape On September 16th, I started my internship at A.B. Combs Elementary School. The school facilities looked a little disappointing at the first… 

Sep 17, 2016

All for a Better Me by Ting Guo

Never before have I found that expressing myself is so difficult. Turning on my computer and staring at the screen, I have so many words to type and so many… 

Sep 14, 2016

My Exotic Journey Starts Here—NCSU Discovery by Xiaojing Hou

Since I set foot on Raleigh, I fell in love with this green and tranquil city, like the “Peach Blossom Spring” — a utopic place away from hustle and bustle… 

May 23, 2016

Heading Home with Full Hearts and Minds

By haspires As we board our plane heading for Raleigh, we continue to process the relationships and experiences we encountered in Nanjing, Suzhou, and Shanghai in an attempt to make… 

May 22, 2016

Buddhism and the Bund

By kegreen4 The morning began with reflections about what we had learned on the trip as we all sat down with Leon for individual video sessions. Words representing our thoughts…