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Unlocking Potential Through A Journey of Empowerment with Patrice Wade

Headshot of Patrice Wade, a woman with short black and red hair wearing a silver necklace and black top

As the technology specialist and director of technology at Guilford Preparatory Academy, Patrice Wade shines as an advocate for computer science education. Participating in‘s continuous updates and professional development has created a culture of lifelong learning. Patrice shares how this commitment has kept her ahead of the curve, integrating the latest advancements in computer science into her lessons. The collaborative community of educators within has been a vital support system, fostering the exchange of ideas, experiences and best practices.

Fostering Student-Centered Learning and Collaboration

Patrice emphasizes the transformative impact of on student engagement. The platform’s focus on student-centered learning has led to increased participation in coding exercises and collaborative projects. By encouraging group activities and problem-solving, has positively influenced teamwork and shared achievement, creating a heightened sense of purpose and fulfillment for both Patrice and her students.

Overcoming Challenges

Patrice acknowledges challenges like inequitable access to devices and reliable internet connectivity outside the classroom. In response, she maximizes in-school resources, organizes after-school coding sessions and promotes offline coding activities. Patrice recognizes the digital divide and actively implements strategies to ensure all students have equitable access to coding resources.

A Catalyst for Growth

Patrice reflects on the initial unfamiliarity with coding as a challenge that became a catalyst for personal and professional growth. Embracing this challenge opened up new possibilities in the world of computer science, not just for her students but for herself navigating the digital age. The journey with has reaffirmed the belief that education is a continual journey of exploration and adaptation.

Transformative Advocacy

From initial skepticism to passionate advocacy, Patrice’s journey with has been transformative. Becoming a facilitator with the esteemed Friday Institute, she has not only redefined her teaching approach but also deepened her commitment to empowering students and fellow educators through the opportunities provided by Witnessing genuine excitement and engagement from students has fueled Patrice’s newfound passion and advocacy for

A Future of Empowerment

Patrice proudly wears the badge of the biggest advocate for, recognizing the tangible impact in her classroom. The platform has become a bridge, connecting every student to the empowering world of code, regardless of their background or prior experience. For Patrice, it’s not just about code; it’s about unlocking potential, fostering creativity and building a future where every student knows there is a way to be reached.

Patrice Wade’s journey exemplifies the transformative power of, from individual growth to collective impact. As we celebrate Computer Science Education Week, let Patrice’s advocacy inspire educators and students alike to explore the empowering world of coding.

Carrie Robledo PLLC Team Member
Carrie Robledo comes to the Friday Institute from a previous appointment as an Educator on Loan, split between the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI) and Moore County Schools. At NCDPI, she served as an innovative learning catalyst, working with Digital Teaching and Learning as their Central Region coach and supporting teachers with implementing the NC Digital Learning Standards for Students and the NC Computer Science Standards. In her home district of Moore County, Carrie led the implementation of mCS (Moore Computer Science), a Digital Learning Initiative Grant for K-5 teachers. She was honored as NCTIES’ Outstanding Teacher of the Year in 2020-2021, a Moore County Schools Teacher of the Year in 2019-2020 and was a 2018-2019 Kenan Fellow.