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Key Publications
- Lee, H. S. Hudson, R., Casey, S., Mojica, G., & Harrison, T. (2021). Online curriculum modules for preparing teachers to teach statistics: Design, implementation, and results. In K. F. Hollebrands, R. Anderson, & K. Oliver (Eds.), Online Learning in Mathematics Education (pp. 65-93), Springer.
- Casey, S. A., Harrison, T., & Hudson, R. (2021). Characteristics of statistical investigations tasks created by preservice teachers. Investigations in Mathematics Learning, 13(4), 303-322.
- Casey, S., Hudson, R., Harrison, T., Barker, H., & Draper, J. (2020). Preservice teachers’ design of technology-enhanced statistical tasks. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 20(2), 269-292.
- Hudson, R., Lee, H. S., Casey, S., Finzer, B., Mojica, G. M., Azmy, C., & Eide, A. (2018). Designing e-modules to support preservice mathematics teachers’ statistical thinking. In M. A. Sorto, A. White, & L. Guyot (Eds.), Looking back, looking forward. Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Teaching Statistics (ICOTS10, July, 2018), Kyoto, Japan. Voorburg, The Netherlands: International Statistical Institute. Online:
- Casey, S., Hudson, R., Lee, H.S., Mojica, G.F. (2023). The Growing Role of Statistics and Data Science in Grades 6-12 Education: Implications for Mathematics Teacher Educators [Webinar].
- Casey, S., Hudson, R. (2019). Statistical Education of Teachers: Novel Curriculum Materials [Webinar].
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