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Moving NC Forward in Teaching Statistics and Data Science 2024 Regional Conference

Thursday, June 13, 2024
9:30 a.m. -3:30 p.m.

Come join the conversation and connect with NC educators who engage in teaching statistics and data science at the high school and college levels, including those who prepare high school teachers. Together we can consider ways to move NC forward in building capacity in statistics and data science education for the NC workforce and data-enabled careers.

This regional in-person conference is being held in conjunction with the online Electronic Conference on Teaching Statistics (eCOTS). eCOTS is held online June 10-13, 2024. The 1 day regional conference will occur on June 13th and incorporate some online sessions from eCOTS.


Friday Institute for Educational Innovation. NC State University. 1890 Main Campus Drive, Raleigh, NC 27606. Parking is free in front of building.


  • 9-9:30 a.m. | Arrival and Registration
  • 9:30-10:45 a.m. | Welcome and Kickoff
  • 11-11:45 a.m. | Breakout Sessions* (3 sessions)
  • 12-1 p.m. | Lunch and Keynote (Live Stream of eCOTS plenary speaker)
  • 1:15-2 p.m. | Breakout Sessions* (3 sessions)
  • 2:15-3 p.m. | Breakout Sessions* (3 sessions)
  • 3-3:30 p.m. | Wrap-up and Networking

*Breakout Sessions will be on a variety of topics relevant to each of the audiences: high school, college and teacher education.


$25 to register for eCOTS, attendance at the regional conference is no additional cost. Graduate students, community college faculty and high school teachers can register for free using code: “ecotsgrant2024”.

Registration Process

To register for the Regional Conference at NC State University, participants should first register for the electronic Conference on Teaching Statistics at and indicate that they will be attending the eCOTS Regional at NC State University. This registration allows participants to engage with the larger community in all online presentations and posters of the eCOTS conference from June 10-13, as well as attend the local in-person conference on June 13th at NC State.

Certificate of Attendance

Participants will receive a certificate of attendance that may be used for up to 6 hrs of professional development, if accepted by your local education agency.

Planning Committee

This regional conference is made possible by generous funding from the Consortium for the Advancement of Undergraduate Statistics Education and the Hub for Innovation and Research in Statistics Education at the Friday Institute for Educational Innovation, including the InSTEP and ESTEEM projects, funded by the National Science Foundation. 

The regional conference is organized and co-hosted by the following: