HI-RiSE Team Attends ICOTS10 in Kyoto, Japan
The 10th International Conference on Teaching Statistics (ICOTS10) was held July 8th – 13th, 2018 in Kyoto, Japan. ICOTS is hosted by the IASE, the International Association for Statistics Education. The conference is held once every four years with the purpose of giving statistics educators and professionals around the world the opportunity to exchange information, ideas and experiences, to present recent innovation and research in the field of statistics education, and to collaborate with other colleagues about statistics education. HI-RiSE was well represented at this conference!
Members of the ESTEEM team presented at the conference. In attendance were Hollylynne Lee (Principal Investigator), Stephanie Casey (Co- PI), Rick Hudson (Co-PI), William Finzer (Co-PI), Gemma Mojica (Research Associate) and Christina Azmy (Graduate Research Assistant). The team’s presentation, Developing E-Modules to Support Preservice Mathematics Teachers’ Statistical Thinking, shared the need for the development of the e-modules as well as design and implementation of the modules during the first two years of the project. Click here for the presentation slides.
From left to right: Rick Hudson, William Finzer, Stephanie Casey, Christina Azmy, Gemma Mojica (bottom right)
Rick Hudson and Stephanie Casey Presenting
Members of the HI-RiSE team presented two other presentations on MOOCs for statistics educators.
- Designing for Educators in a Teaching Statistics MOOC: Design Principles, Use of Multimedia, Participant Engagement, and Reflection presented by Hollylynne Lee, Gemma Mojica, and Jennifer Lovett. This presentation shared what was learned about design, implementation and impact of the Teaching Statistics through Data Investigations (TSDI) MOOC. Click here to see their presentation.
- Impacts of a Teaching Statistics MOOC on Educator’s Perspectives and Practice presented by Hollylynne Lee, Gemma Mojica, Jennifer Lovett, and Christina Azmy. This presentation shared research on how participation in TSDI impacts educator’s perspectives about statistics and teaching statistics as well as how educators implement new ideas into practice. Click here to see their presentation.
Left: Christina Azmy Presenting, Right: Gemma Mojica Presenting
One great benefit of presenting at an international conference is taking time to be able to learn more about a different culture. The participants made sure to make some time for sight seeing.
Members of HI-RiSE and family members enjoying the beautiful sites (and food) of Kyoto, Japan.
ICOTS10 was yet another great experience for the HI-RiSE team to share projects and research about statistics education as well as learn more about what’s going on around the world!