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Learning 4 All Virtual Conference Speakers Announced

RALEIGH, N.C. — The Friday Institute for Educational Innovation announced the conference schedule and list of speakers last week for their Learning 4 All Virtual Conference on February 9 and 10. Formerly known as “4T: Teachers Teaching Teachers about Technology”, this conference serves K-12 educators, coaches and administrators striving for excellence and innovation in their schools and districts. Since 2011, the conference has brought together over 5,000 educators to collaborate, engage and lead change through a virtual platform. This is the first year that the Professional Learning and Leading Collaborative at the Friday Institute is hosting the conference.

“We are excited to host the Learning 4 All Virtual conference to give educators from around the country an opportunity to learn together,” said Nancy Mangum, associate director of digital learning programs at the Friday Institute. “We have a variety of session topics and dynamic presenters that will encourage participants to reflect on their practice.”

Sessions are organized into two strands to fit the needs of teachers, coaches and administrators. The teacher strand sessions will focus on what innovative instruction looks like, classroom application, and relevant resources and supports provided for implementation. The coaches and administrator strand sessions will focus on coaching teachers and moving them towards innovation, creating a culture of innovation, and building leadership capacity in schools.

Keynote speakers include Liz Kolb, a clinical associate professor of education technologies at the University of Michigan and author of several books about technology and education, and Darren Hudgins, the CEO of Think l Do l Thrive and co-author of Fact VS Fiction: Teaching Critical Thinking In The Age of Fake News.

Learn more about the Learning 4 All Virtual Conference here.

Learning 4 All Virtual Conference

Sunday, February 9, 2020: 3:00pm – 6:50pm EST

Monday, February 10, 2020: 12:00pm – 6:00pm EST