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Mathematics + Technology = Today’s Classroom

Dr. Lee with participantJune 7, 2013 – This year marked the fifth anniversary of mathematics teacher educators learning to implement technology-based mathematics tasks and pedagogical practices with the project, Preparing to Teach Mathematics with Technology (PTMT). This project addresses mathematics content, pedagogy and technological skills in an integrated manner.

In early June, Drs. Karen Hollebrands, Hollylynne Lee and Allison McCulloch, mathematics educators, hosted the PTMT summer institute for mathematics education faculty representing different universities from across the nation. During the course of the week, participants learned about the teacher education materials the PTMT project team developed and were instructed on how to implement the curricula at their home institutions. Discussions focused on Data Analysis and Probability using TinkerPlots and Fathom, and Geometry using The Geometer’s Sketchpad 5.0.

Dr. McCulloch with graduate assistant

“I use the materials to help structure my courses for middle and secondary pre-service teachers. The reflection questions for the teachers are very useful to help my students think and reflect more deeply about their practice,” said Jan Mays, senior lecturer, Elon University. “The peer relationships have also been a great resource for my teaching.”

This year the group focused on Algebra as the third installment of the PTMT books series is currently being developed. Over the course of the last five years the summer institutes have followed the series through production and publication.

“I believe the institute has evolved in one major way; it has provided educators from around the country with opportunities for ongoing collaboration,” said Dr. George Roy, assistant professor, University of South Carolina.  “Because many of us have attended an institute in the past, we were able to work together right away. We were already a community of learners.”

Dr. Hollebrands with participant

The products of this project are three textbooks for use in mathematics teacher preparation programs, Preparing to Teach Mathematics with Technology: An Integrated Approach to Data Analysis and Probability, published in 2010; Preparing to Teach Mathematics with Technology: An Integrated Approach to Geometry, recently published in 2012; and the third book, focused on teaching Algebraic topics with technology, is currently under development and testing, with an estimated publication date of Spring 2014.

For more information, visit the project website




PTMT group



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