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Disciplinary Literacy for Deeper Learning Course

Disciplinary Literacy for Deeper Learning explores what it means to read, write, speak, and listen for learning and creating knowledge across disciplines, including science, mathematics, history/social studies, and English/language arts. In this six-unit course, participants will learn how to engage students in deeper learning through disciplinary literacy practices and explore the model for inquiry-based disciplinary literacy.

Course Objectives

  • Strengthen your understanding of what it takes to engage students in deeper learning through disciplinary literacy practices;
  • Explore the Model for Inquiry-Based Disciplinary Literacy and how it can promote deeper learning for your students;
  • Engage in disciplinary literacy practices (e.g., close reading, digital learning, constructing and supporting claims);
  • Experience multiple opportunities for personalized application of disciplinary literacy to your teaching context;
  • Design, critically evaluate, and share Inquiry-Based Disciplinary Literacy lessons;
  • Take action to become a teacher leader by engaging others in disciplinary literacy practices


New Literacies Collaborative New Literacies Collaborative

Online Professional Learning Online Professional Learning

Selected Resources

Journal Article – Disciplinary literacy in the middle school: Exploring pedagogical tensions

The present study examined middle school teachers’ perceptions of literacy demands in their disciplines and specific literacy strategies they used to teach their disciplines.

Journal Article – Operationalizing and validating disciplinary literacy in secondary education

The goal of this study was to define the construct and establish the validity of disciplinary literacy, which has recently gained attention from the implementation of the Common Core State Standards.

Book – Read, Write, Inquire: Disciplinary Literacy in Grades 6- 12

In this practical guide, literacy experts show teachers how to use project-based inquiry to build students’ discipline-specific skills and knowledge in grades 6–12.

Project Team

Dr Hiller A. Spires Dr Hiller A. Spires

No Photo Available Dr John Kelly Lee

Erin Lyjak Erin Lyjak