PTMT – History
The PTMT project began in 2005 with Hollylynne Lee and Karen Hollebrands (NC State) embarking to develop curricula material that embodied their approach to preparing teachers to teach with technology through iteratively, and sometimes simultaneously, engaging them in developing their mathematical/statistical knowledge, pedagogical strategies, and technological skills. The first two sets of teacher education curricula materials focused on the domains of data and probability and geometry. The aim has always been to help educators develop a model of teaching and learning that goes beyond the specifics of a technology tool so that they could make informed decisions about the appropriate use of technology for teaching mathematics in general. In 2011, the project expanded its curricula focus to include Algebra and brought in Allison McCulloch (now at UNC Charlotte).
In 2018, new funding was obtained to carry forward the PTMT materials and expand the Algebra materials to include a stronger focus on students’ practices with technology. With Jennifer Lovett (former PTMT graduate student) leading from Middle Tennessee State University and co-investigators Allison McCulloch (UNC Charlotte), Charity Cayton (East Carolina University), and Hollylynne Lee (NC State), the project is truly cross-institutional and will continue to impact the mathematics teacher education efforts at institutions across the U.S.
Current Advisory and Evaluation Board
- Michael Todd Edwards
- Michael Meagher
- Keith Leatham
- Lara Dick
- Katherine Mawhinney
- Sally Bond
Prior Project Investigator
Karen F. Hollebrands, (Co-PI 042319; PI 0817253, Co-PI 1123001)
Professor of Mathematics Education
STEM Education Department
NC State University
Prior Advisors and Consultants
Dr. Michael Meagher, Dr. Keith Leatham, Dr. Pam Buffington, Dr. Helen Doerr, Dr. J. Todd Lee, Dr. John Olive, Dr. Dan Teague, Dr. Roger Woodard, Dr. Rose Zbiek
Prior Graduate Research Assistants
Hamid Sanei, Mariam Elias, Taylor Harrison, Kayla Chandler, Jennifer N. Lovett, Ashley Whitehead, Kemal Akoğlu, Blake Whitley, Tyler Pulis, Marggie D. Gonzalez-Toledo, Tina T. Starling, Ryan C. Smith, Chris Wredberg, Sarah Ives, James P. Hedges, P. Holt Wilson