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Scaling Up Project-Based Inquiry Global

Scaling Up Project-Based Inquiry (PBI) Global

Scaling Up Project-Based Inquiry (PBI) Global, an initiative funded by the Longview Foundation, seeks to expand the impact of PBI Global, a collaborative inquiry process focused on addressing the global challenges enshrined in the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Through this initiative a team of educators and researchers at NC State University’s Friday Institute for Educational Innovation in partnership with the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction will develop open source curricular materials and implement professional development in order to support educators and students to become local and global agents of change.

In a world that is becoming increasingly interconnected and interdependent, challenges impacting global sustainability must be met by collaborative, collective efforts. Teachers and students are uniquely positioned to become local and global agents of change. However, they need specific models for what to focus on and how to impact their communities.

Project-Based Inquiry (PBI) Global brings together a content focus on the UN Sustainable Development Goals with a specific five-phase inquiry process. By engaging in PBI Global, students and teachers develop the capacities to become change agents, impacting local and global communities.

  • As part of our Longview work, we would appreciate your feedback on our Global Educator Needs Assessment (about 5 minutes to complete)
  • On October 26, 2019 the team hosted a global education webinar, “Engaging in Global Inquiry: Teachers and Students as Agents of Change,” with guest speaker Dr. Yong Zhao. The hour-long webinar was part of Scaling Up Project-Based Inquiry (PBI) Global which sought to expand the impact of PBI Global, a collaborative inquiry process focused on addressing the global challenges enshrined in the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). During this webinar, participants learn how to engage in collaborative inquiry to create local and global change with your students.
  • NLI 2020 (July 20 -22, 2020) Registration now open!



Project Team

Dr Hiller A. Spires Dr Hiller A. Spires

Marie Pierson Himes Marie Pierson Himes

Erin Lyjak Erin Lyjak