Teaching Statistics Through Inferential Reasoning Online Professional Learning Course
Every day we have opportunities to make data-based decisions and to consider how information we gather can inform us about what can be claimed about a situation, process, or larger collection. To prepare the next generation of data active citizens, we need to engage learners of all ages in investigations focused on making inferences and claims, supported by samples of data. This professional learning course allows participants to learn, along with colleagues from other schools, how to emphasize inferential reasoning in teaching statistics through posing different types of investigative questions.
Who Should Take This Course?
The Teaching Statistics Through Inferential Reasoning professional learning course is applicable to anyone interested in strengthening their approaches to teaching statistics through data investigations. The statistical content and strategies are appropriate for implementation with middle school through early college learners. Thus, teachers of statistics in grades 6–12 and in post-secondary contexts are the primary audience. This course may also be of interest to elementary teachers, teacher educators, and teachers of other disciplines that use data-based explorations extensively to make claims and inferences (e.g., science, social science). There is no cost for participating in the Teaching Statistics Through Inferential Reasoning course.
Course Objectives
- Strengthen your understanding of how to engage students in a statistical investigation process for the purpose of making inferences or claims;
- Explore a framework for guiding your teaching of statistical investigations to promote inferential reasoning for your students;
- Use rich data sources and dynamic graphing tools to support data exploration for investigative questions that give students opportunities to make inferences about contexts and issues of interest them;
- Examine the ways students reason with data to make inferences or claims;
- Apply a framework for inferential reasoning to your educational practices;
- Collaborate with colleagues near and far to gain different perspectives and to build a library of teaching resources.
Project Team
Christina Azmy
Alex M. Dreier