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TOSS: Trajectory of Science Scholars

The Trajectory of Science Scholars (TOSS) project was a professional development initiative designed to engage teachers in collaboratively examining the trajectory of student learning in the biological sciences from basic content knowledge to mastery of advanced concepts. The project involved schools with a high percentage of impoverished students that have been identified as some of the lowest performing in the district and the state. The project was designed to target students in grades 5, 8 and high school biology.

The goals of the project were to 1) increase teacher content expertise of the biological sciences, 2) increase student achievement in the biological sciences, 3) develop a meaningful partnership between Durham Public Schools (DPS), NC State University’s Department of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education and the Department of Biology, 5) increase embedded professional development through professional learning communities, and 6) increase the number of master teachers in the sciences.



Project Team

Dr Gail Jones Dr Gail Jones

No Photo Available Dr Herbert A Underwood