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Chinese parents’ perspectives on international higher education and innovation.

Since the turn of the 21st century, international academic mobility (IAM) has greatly increased on the part of Chinese students, with many students choosing to study in colleges and universities abroad. This chapter reviews the literature related to Chinese students studying abroad and presents the results of a focus group study that investigated factors Chinese parents use when considering international higher education opportunities for their students as well as their perspectives on educational innovation. Results from the focus group indicate that parents value international educational experiences, believe technological advancement and innovation are keys to the future, desire rigorous, resource-rich educational opportunities for their children, and are concerned about financial needs and safety when their children attend universities abroad. Ongoing research of parents’ motivation and expectations regarding international higher education and innovation is needed since there is a continuing trend of Chinese students attending institutions of higher education outside of China.

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Authors and Contributors

Dr Hiller A. Spires Dr Hiller A. Spires


New Literacies Collaborative New Literacies Collaborative


Suzhou North America High School: Connecting to the Future

This new school was established to educate students who plan to enroll in top U.S. universities with a curriculum that incorporates creative thinking and problem-solving skills that the American education system emphasizes but is not a widespread practice in China.


February 11, 2020

Resource Type

Book Chapter

Published By

Friday Institute for Educational Innovation

Suggested Citation

Spires, H., Green, K., & Liang, P. (2018). Chinese parents’ perspectives on international higher education and innovation. In H. Spires (Ed.), Digital transformation and innovation in Chinese education. Hershey, PA: IGI-Global Publishing.