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Digital Learning Progress Rubric For Districts


The North Carolina Digital Learning Progress Rubric is a strategic planning tool, or “roadmap,” intended to support North Carolina’s educators and communities in the transition to digital-age teaching and learning. The rubric is designed to help school district teams reflect on the current stage of their transition, plan next steps, and track their progress moving forward.

This rubric contains five main areas: Leadership; Technology and Infrastructure; Content and Instruction; Professional Learning; and Data and Assessment. Each main area is broken down into three to seven key elements (e.g., “Shared Vision,” “Professional Development Format,” “Access to Digital Content,” etc.).

Guide for Use

Members of a district leadership team can work individually or together to rate their district’s progress on each of the 25 key elements. They may rate the progress as either “Early” (the least achieved ranking), “Developing,” “Advanced,” or “Target” (the most achieved ranking). A district may consider having different individuals or groups determine ratings separately, and then schedule a time for all parties to come together and form consensus for each key element score. The more data (quantitative or qualitative, formal or informal, etc.) that can be used to inform the ranking process, the more accurate and effective the strategic planning process will be. A glossary of terms used throughout the rubric may be found in Appendix A.

To make the scoring system the most effective, the following rule should be used: all indicators (sub-bullets) within a particular cell should be marked as “achieved” for a district to give itself the particular ranking assigned to that cell (Early, Developing, Advanced, or Target). For example, if the district has achieved two of three indicators listed in the Advanced cell, then the district should rank itself as Developing. The district can rank itself as Advanced once it has achieved all three indicators listed. A scoring sheet may be found in Appendix B.

Once a self-assessment on the rubric has been completed, the user should reflect on the results and identify priority areas for improvement. The user might ask, “What are one to three action steps that can be taken to move closer to achieving the desired goals?” A guide for data interpretation and transition planning may be found in Appendix C.

NOTE: Every school and district in North Carolina must identify and comply with all relevant federal (e.g., FERPA, CIPA), state, and local laws related to digital teaching and learning.

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September 1, 2018

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Friday Institute for Educational Innovation