LoFTI: Looking for Technology Integration
LoFTI is an observation tool for describing the nature of digital technology use in a classroom environment. The data gathered through this instrument may be helpful for planning professional development in digital teaching and learning.
Instructions for Use
If you decide that you have a question that might be addressed with data collected through observation of technology integration, consider using the LoFTI: Looking for Technology Integration created as part of the evaluation of the North Carolina Learning Technology Initiative (NCLTI) during the spring of 2010. The following checklist is provided to help you plan and implement your LoFTI: Looking for Technology Integration in a way that will maximize its value, in terms of informing school-level planning for technology use.
Planning for Survey Use
- Convene whatever team is responsible for evaluation and/or technology planning in your school.
- Clarify and come to consensus on the questions about which your school cares.
- Review the LoFTI instrument.
- Determine if the LoFTI data will be useful in answering those questions.
- Determine how and when your LoFTI will be completed.
- It may be necessary to provide technical training for your staff, to be sure that they have the skills necessary to use a web-based survey instrument if you decide to administer it electronically.
- Communicate in advance with staff members about the purpose of the LoFTI, how it fits into school technology or evaluation planning, and how important it is that everyone completes the instrument.
- Define a plan for disseminating LoFTI findings to the entire school staff.
Using Your LoFTI Data
- Convene the evaluation or technology planning team.
- Share the LoFTI report among planning team members, either by electronic means or by distribution of hard copies of the report page.
- Make appropriate inferences from your LoFTI data.
- It is critical to revisit the questions being asked at this point. The LoFTI provides a lot of data and it may be possible to be distracted by issues other than those seen as important during the planning process.
- Examine your LoFTI findings for surprises or unanticipated findings.
- Importantly, revisit and refine the questions that LoFTI data were expected to answer. It is not at all unusual to discover that a primary finding arising from LoFTI data is that more data is required to really understand issues at hand.
- Consider next steps in the evaluation process. It may be necessary for example to convene groups to discuss why staff members may have responded to the like they did, or the planning team might examine possible changes to program implementation based on findings.
Program Evaluation and Education Research (PEER) Group
June 23, 2015
Resource Type
Survey Instrument
Published By
Friday Institute for Educational Innovation