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North Carolina Digital Learning Plan – Detailed Plan – September 2015


North Carolina is committed to providing the personalized digital-age education K-12 students need to be successful in college, in careers, and as globally engaged productive citizens. North Carolina already has made significant progress through statewide and local efforts. Recent legislative actions that address preparing educators for digital learning, providing digital resources, and ensuring technology access across all schools, as well as the goals of the State Board of Education Strategic Plan, are important steps in moving forward, and many schools and districts1 also have digital learning initiatives well underway. However, much remains to be done to ensure that all students throughout the state have equitable access to high-quality digital learning.

The transition to a digital-age education system that fully harnesses the power of modern technologies will impact all aspects of education, including the content students learn, the methods teachers use, where and when learning takes place, what resources are required, and how success is defined and measured. Systemic changes in K-12 education are required in order to effectively prepare students for the rapidly changing, interconnected, technology-driven world.

This North Carolina Digital Learning Plan has been developed to provide recommendations for state actions that will support K-12 schools as they become digital-age learning organizations. It was prepared for the North Carolina State Board of Education and Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI) by the Friday Institute for Educational Innovation at NC State University, working in collaboration with educators, policymakers, and other stakeholders across the state.

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September 14, 2015

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Friday Institute for Educational Innovation