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We Are All Language Teachers: Supporting English Learners Across the Content Areas

In this professional learning session, K-12 educators will deepen their understandings of the context for why cross-disciplinary support for English Learners (ELs) is needed; be introduced to the theory informing Quality Teaching for English Learners (QTEL); and will engage in and share research-based instructional practices that support ELs’ literacy and language growth.




We invite educators to continue to learn and grow with these resources. Discover and collect new ideas and examples relevant to you after viewing the session video and related resources. Take notes and reflect while you view so you can customize the techniques for your own remote learning and classroom needs and adapt the strategies for your students. Let these guiding questions support your reflective practice after viewing the session and/or reviewing of session materials:

  1. What does Quality (remote) Teaching for English Learners look like across the content areas?
  2. How does the Lesson in 3 Moments Framework support the development of English Learners’ language, conceptual, and analytical practices?
  3. How can educators connect with EL students, parents, and families during remote learning?

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Authors and Contributors

Marie Pierson Himes Marie Pierson Himes


New Literacies Collaborative New Literacies Collaborative

Professional Learning and Leading Collaborative Professional Learning and Leading Collaborative


Remote Learning to Support NC Educators

The Friday Institute is partnering with the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction to provide professional learning opportunities for educators to support their implementation of remote learning during the COVID-19 crisis. Sessions will be run multiple times and will change week by week.


April 7, 2020

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Friday Institute for Educational Innovation