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Aug 4, 2011

Thinking Locally, Reaching Globally with the New Literacies Teacher Leader Institute

August 4, 2011—Teachers from North Carolina and China attended a collaborative institute that encouraged them to Inquire, Collaborate and Create with innovative inquiry projects that have global significance. The Friday… 

Jul 27, 2011

Educational Technology Rookie? A Novice No More

July 27, 2011—After thirteen years of teaching Rhonda Meadows will be facing a new classroom this year. And no, it’s not just another set of fresh freshmen faces. She will… 

Jun 21, 2011

Find Your Confidence: Teaching Mathematics with Technology

June 21, 2011— Dr. Vivienne Faurot, assistant professor at Utah Valley University, knew she wanted to teach her mathematics education class with technology but was anxious at the thought. Knowing… 

Feb 14, 2011

FIZZ Algebra

February 14, 2011—As mathematics achievement takes the stage nationally, educational researchers are looking to find ways to teach curriculum while helping students attain academic success. At NC State University, one educational… 

Dec 1, 2010

A Public-Private Approach to Improving School Data Networks

In 2006, Education Week gave North Carolina a “D” on its report card for Internet access. The problem was not a lack of world-class Internet resources. 

Aug 19, 2010

Adventure Awaits… In the Science Classroom

August 19, 2010— Your adventure begins in a village on a deserted island supplied only with a backpack. The necessities have already been provided—a camera, notebook and map—and will aid… 

Jun 28, 2010

NC State Education Specialist: A National Discovery

                         June 28, 2010– Discovery Education announced last week new agreements with BBC, Espresso Education/Channel 4, CBS News, Smarterville/Reading… 

Oct 5, 2009

GRIDC Project Expands into Wind and Sustainable Transportation Technologies

October 5, 2009 – Green Research for Incorporating Data in the Classroom (GRIDC) is a National Science Foundation (NSF)-funded project aimed at developing students’ higher order thinking skills in a… 

Sep 15, 2009

Research Could Lead More Students To STEM Careers

September 15, 2009 – Filling the pipeline with the next generation of chemists, engineers and statisticians isn’t easy. New research at North Carolina State University hopes to drive U.S. students… 

Sep 2, 2009

Pre-College Program Motivates Teens

September 2, 2009 – What do I want to be when I grow up? For Tamara Clegg, the answers were found in the North Carolina Mathematics and Science Education Network…